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Sentinel Training

  • FBC Vancleave 12513 Hwy 57 Vancleave, MS 39565 (map)

The Sentinel Security Training is required for mission trip assistance from MBCB.

The training will be at FBC Vancleave from 8:00AM - 4:15PM. The cost is $45.00.

For more information visit:


From MBCB website:

The Saturday training will begin at 8 a.m. and conclude between 4 and 4:15 p.m. The host will provide a light lunch. You must attend the entire day in order to receive credit for the training.

During the training, we will introduce the Mississippi Baptist Convention Board Safety & Security policies that have been developed by a team of Mississippi leaders under the advisement of Fort Sherman Academy’s expertise. We will also introduce our Crowning Shield program (a contingency support service provided by Fort Sherman) that will be available to volunteers that complete the Sentinel Training.